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Cenacolo News
Marriage to Envie
Meeting of the Missionaries in Saluzzo – Servants for Love -
A new family
Meeting of the families in Medjugorje
Florida, Festival of life


Mappa del Sito  

 Who we are
    > Who we are
        > Our story
        > Mother Elvira
        > In the Church
        > A Big Family
            > Young volunteers
            > Families
            > Brothers and Sisters Missionaries
            > Friends
            > Parents
                > Parent Meeting 1
                > Parent Meeting 2
                > Parent Meeting 3
        > Our Way of Life
    > Welcome
        > Contacts in the world
        > Meetings
        > Regional Contacts
        > Experiences
 Throughout the world
    > In the World
        > Europe
            > Italy
                > Mother House
                    > Prayer
                > Gesù Misericordioso Fraternity
                    > Prayer
                > Little Shepherds of Fatima Fraternity
                    > Prayer
                > Speranza Fraternity
                    > Prayer
                > Madonna della Neve Fraternity
                    > Prayer
                > Santo Stefano Fraternity
                    > Prayer
                > Gioia Fraternity
                    > Prayer
                > Paradiso Fraternity
                    > Prayer
                > Vergine del Rosario Fraternity
                    > Prayer
                > Saint Joseph Fraternity
                    > Prayer
                > Oasi di San Francesco
                    > Prayer
                > Emmaus Fraternity
                    > Prayer
                > Letizia Fraternity
                    > Prayer
                > Ambra Maria Fraternity
                    > Prayer
                > San Giovanni Fraternity
                    > Prayer
                > Sacra Famiglia Fraternity
                    > Prayer
                > Sacred Heart of Jesus Fraternity
                    > Prayer
                > Our Lady of Lourdes Fraternity
                    > Prayer
                > Maria Assunta Fraternity
                    > Prayer
                > Villaggio della Pace Fraternity
                    > Prayer
                > Regina delle Missioni Fraternity
                    > Prayer
                > Nazareth Fraternity
                    > Prayer
                > Blessed Piergiorgio Frassati Fraternity
                    > Prayer
                > Cielo e campo Fraternity
                    > Prayer
            > Bosnia-Herzegovina
                > Campo della Vita Fraternity
                > Prayer
                > Campo della Gioia Fraternity
                > Prayer
            > Croatia
                > Nostra Signora della Salute Fraternity
                > Prayer
                > San Giuseppe Lavoratore Fraternity
                > Prayer
                > San Nicola Fraternity
                > Prayer
                > Saint Vincent de Paul Fraternity
                > Prayer
                > Città della Gioia Fraternity
                > Prayer
                > Santa Marta Fraternity
                > Prayer
                > Saints Peter and Paul Fraternity
                > Prayer
                > Madre della Vita Fraternity
                > Prayer
            > Slovenia
                > Madonna dei Giovani Fraternity
                > Prayer
            > Poland
                > Mary Immaculate Fraternity
                > Prayer
                > John Paul II Fraternity
                > Prayer
                > Blessed Karolina Fraternity
                > Prayer
            > Russia
            > Austria
                > Prayer
            > France
                > Virgin of Providence Fraternity
                > Prayer
                > Saint Bernadette Fraternity
                > Prayer
                > Mother of Mercy Fraternity
                > Prayer
                > Santa Teresina Fraternity
                > Prayer
            > Great Britain
                > Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Fraternity
                > Prayer
            > Ireland
                > Our Lady of Knock Fraternity
                > Prayer
            > Slovakia
                > Saints Cyril and Methodius Fraternity
                > Prayer
            > Spain
            > Portugal
        > North America
            > USA
                > Our Lady of Hope Fraternity
                > Prayer
                > Mary Immaculate Fraternity
                > Prayer
                > Our Lady of Joyful Hope Fraternity
                    > Prayer
                > Maria Goretti Fraternity
                > Prayer
        > Latin America
            > Mexico
                > Cenáculo de Guadalupe Fraternity
                > Prayer
            > Peru
            > Brazil
                > Mogi das Cruzes
                > Maria Auxiliadora Fraternity
                > Saint Francis of Assisi Fraternity
                > Nossa Senhora Estrela do Mar Fraternity
            > Argentina
        > Africa
        > Houses in other Countries
 Missionary Projects
    > Missionary Projects
        > The birth of the missions
        > Life Project with the ‘meninos de rua’
        > Africa
 20 years... Women
 Our Lent walk
    > Risen Jesus is waiting for us
        > Ash Wednesday
        > 1st Sunday
            > From the Message of the Holy Father
            > First Sunday of Lent Homily
        > 2nd Sunday
            > From the Message of the Holy Father
            > Second Sunday of Lent Homily
        > 3rd Sunday
            > Third Sunday of Lent Homily
            > From the Message of the Holy Father
        > 4th Sunday
            > Fourth Sunday of Lent Homily
            > From the Message of the Holy Father
        > 5th Sunday
            > Fifth Sunday of Lent Homily
            > From the Message of the Holy Father
    > Easter of Resurrection
 Testimonies of Faith
    > Newsletter
        > A Dad's experience
 Festival of Life
    > Festival of Life 2006
        > Thursday
        > Friday
            > Homily of Fr. Ivan Filipovic
        > Saturday
            > Homily of Father Stefano Aragno
            > Father Stegfano Aragno - chatechisms
        > Sunday
            > Father Pierino Ghi s.j.- Catechism
    > Festival of Life 2007
        > Thursday
        > Friday
        > Saturday
            > Father Stegfano Aragno - chatechisms
    > Festival of Life 2008
        > Thursday
        > Friday
        > Saturday
            > Homily - Father Stefano Aragno
        > Sunday
    > Testimonies
        > Young volunteers - Boys
            > Henri
            > Valentina
            > Matea
            > Lena
            > Daniele
            > Thomas
            > Fabrizio
            > Santiago
            > Juan
            > Andrea
            > Piero
            > Silvio
            > Petar
            > Gianluca
            > Michele
            > Luca G.
            > Matteo
            > Erwin
            > Maroš
            > Pierangelo
            > Adriano
            > Antonello
            > Wojciech
            > Andrej
            > Matteo
        > Young Volunteers - Girls
            > Zlatica
            > Nora
            > Alisa
            > Carolina
            > Patrizia
            > Andreja
            > Pamela
        > Families
            > Paola and Maurizio
            > Shannon and Carlo
            > Cinzia and Marco
        > Missionary Sisters of the Resurrection
            > Sister Jennifer
        > Consecrated Brothers
        > Parents
        > Friends
 Our Magazine
    > Our Magazine
    > Crafts
 Festival of Life 2013
    > Festival of Life 2013
    > Festival of Life 2010
    > Thursday 15
    > Friday 16
    > Saturday 17
    > Sunday 18
 Youth Festival 2012
    > Youth Festival 2012
    > Mladifest 2009
    > Mladifest 2008
    > Mladifest 2006
        > p.Stefano
        > d.Ivan
        > Irena and Matteo
    > Books/ Audio/Video
        > Witnessing not only through words
        > Books
            > Beyond Aids
            > In viaggio verso la Luce
            > Hope reborn
            > Mother Elvira
        > Catechesi
            > Donna sacrificio nell' amore
            > Testimoni di Luce
            > Lasciamo spazio allo Spirito Santo
            > Famiglia grembo di vita
            > La fede è una lotta
            > Misericordia e verità si incontreranno
        > Music
            > Rivestiti di luce
            > Vogliamo vedere Gesù
            > Live - Canti dal vivo
            > Light the fire again
            > Concerto Live
            > Canterò senza fine la fedeltà del Signore
            > Diventa vita
            > Canti di adorazione
            > Dio dell' amore
            > Il pane della vita
            > Io sono con voi
            > Adorazione Missionaria
            > Io ho vinto il mondo
            > Fate quello che Lui vi dirà
        > Video
 30 years of Faith
 Patron Saints 2013
    > Patron Saints 2012
        > Blessed Alojzije Stepinac
        > Blessed Charles de Foucauld
        > Blessed Chiara Luce Badano
        > Blessed Francisco and Jacinta Marto
        > Blessed John Paul II
        > Blessed John XXIII
        > Blessed Karolina Kozka
        > Blessed Laura Vicuña
        > Blessed Louis and Zelie Martin
        > Blessed Luigi Beltame Quattrocchi and Maria Corsini
        > Blessed lvan Merz
        > Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta
        > Blessed Piergiorgio Frassati
        > Saint Albert Chmielowski
        > Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
        > Saint Anthony of Padua
        > Saint Augustine
        > Saint Benedict
        > Saint Bernadette Soubirous
        > Saint Brigid
        > Saint Camillus de Lellis
        > Saint Catherine of Siena
        > Saint Catherine Labouré
        > Saint Clare of Assisi
        > Saint Damien De Veuster
        > Saint Daniel Comboni
        > Saint Dominic of Guzman
        > Saint Dominic Savio
        > Saint Faustina Kowalska
        > Saint Francis of Assisi
        > Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
        > Saint Gemma Galgani
        > Saint Gianna Beretta Molla
        > Saint Ignatius of Loyola
        > Saint Jane Antide Thouret
        > Saint John Bosco
        > Saint John Calabria
        > Saint John Vianney
        > Saint Josemaria Escrivà of Balaguer
        > Saint Joseph Benedict Cottolengo
        > Saint Joseph Cafasso
        > Saint Joseph Moscati
        > Saint Josephine Bakhita
        > Saint Juan Diego
        > Saint Leopold Mandic
        > Saint Louis-Marie Grignon de Montfort
        > Saint Luigi Orione
        > Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque
        > Saint Maria Goretti
        > Saint Martin de Porres
        > Saint Maximilian Mary Kolbe
        > Saint Paul of Tarsus
        > Saint Peter
        > Saint Philip Neri
        > Saint Pio of Pietrelcina
        > Saint Rita of Cascia
        > Saint Rose of Lima
        > Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
        > Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus
        > Saint Vincent de Paul
        > Saints Cyril and Methodius
 Pentcost Vigil with the Ecclesiastical Movements
 Anniversary in Austria
    > p.Stefano
        > Mother Elvira
        > Cardinal Dr. Christoph Schönborn
        > Bishop Dr. Paul Iby
        > Personal Stories
 25 years of Cenacolo
 Our "Sants"
    > Gilberto and Nicola
        > Gilberto
        > Nicola
 Pentecost 2007
    > Austria
 Mother Elvira
    > January 2008
 A World Congress on Mercy
    > Mother Elvira
 festival of life 2009
    > festival of life 2009
        > Greeting of mother Elvira
        > Thursday 16
        > Friday 17
            > Testimony of Mariapia bonanate - Journalist
            > From the homily of Card. Christoph Schönborn
        > Saturday 18
            > From the testimony of Mario Trematore
            > Dr. Paolo Allemano, Mayor of Saluzzo
        > Sunday 19
            > Mons. Giuseppe Guerrini, Bishop of Saluzzo
 Rome 2009
    > Rome 2009
        > SCHEDULE
        > To get to know each other better
            > Mons. Diego Bona
            > S.E.R. Mons. Robert Baker
            > Padre Andrea Gasparino
        > Our History in Photos
        > Information
    > We are in the heart of the church
    > First Anniversary
        > Speeches
            > His Eminence, the Most Reverend Stanislav Cardinal Rylko
            > S.E.R. Mons. Guerrini
            > S.E.R. Mons. Bona
                > Homily
            > S.E.R. Card. Comastri
            > Mother Elvira
            > Father Stefano
            > Decree
            > Angelus
            > Testimonials
 Contact Us
    > Contact Us
Site Map
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The voice of the Pope
Festival of Life 2014
Cenacolo America
Our Lady of hope
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the Cenacolo Community: