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I realize more and more that today the youth want to meet with the truth, they want to know the true life, without fear; there are courageous people that risk only because that have a need to see with their eyes, with all their being, that the Gospel is not an illusion, not a fantasy,  and not only a doctrine… but that it is life, a full life.
I believe that the youth are giving us a strong lesson of courage and the determination to want good. To carry away and involve those that choose to believe in them. And we believe they take these proposals seriously and demanding.
What joy there has been in these days to see a river of youth with enthusiasm following the Pope at the World Youth Festival in Brazil. It demonstrates to us to love the Church, to believe in the Church to follow it. Because underneath they realize the Church is one reality that guarantees the hope, the love, and the true values that give them happiness. It is for this motive that the youth are trusting who believes, trusting who wants to live the faith,  and who chooses to live radically without compromise how Jesus has shown us.
The youth are more genuine than us, more free and see the criticism, of the negativity in our hearts that us as adults often transfer to them. Because we love in our heart and do not have trust or anymore more hope. They, instead, have more transparent eyes and realize that the family of the Church is a safety and a value that nothing and no one can equal because it has never stopped teaching us the truth of life when  life asks us to sacrifice. Because to live life that has more value also in the sorrow, in the suffering  is worth the price of the true freedom.   
Because the faith teaches us that death, the evil, the sin doesn’t have the last word. And so it is a great joy to be able to help the youth and to see the transformation that has happened in them through a life of sacrifice, of renouncements, of struggle, and of battling between the good and the bad. But us Christians know that the evil has been conquered with the love of Jesus. And here in Community we are seeing that all this continues and has come because we continually contemplate the daily miracles of the heart, of the hope, the trust, through the prayer, the word of God and overall, the Eucharist. We know very well that there, there is the intervention of God, there is the hand of Jesus and our of our Lady.

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