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The real light of the world: Jesus!
Christmas takes us back to a small and simple house in Nazareth, where a woman, Mary, said her unconditional “Yes” to God and to humanity, also to me, to you and to all of us.
Let’s breath at depth this intimate atmosphere to live with Mary this mistery of love that Christmas gives us, also this year, coming into our houses, our families and our experience to bring to our hearts good news, great, important news: “A Saviour is born for you! We are saved!”
We trustingly welcome this announcement as we are freed and healed from the tension, resentment, fear, sadness, loneliness, envy, jealousy and all of the things that don’t allow us to live love, hope, joy and peace.
Christmas comes also to remind us of the nostalgia and the need that everyone has inside for reconciliation, forgiveness and of healing to reconstruct lost friendships, interrupted dialogues, requests for forgiveness, dull smiles, to find again renewed joy and trust.
Christmas is to be reborn with that small baby who repeats to us infinite love faithful and unconditional of a God loving and passionate of his creations to whom He doesn’t hesitate to give himself.
Like Jesus, we also need a mother who understands the desires of our hearts. This mother is Mary: humble, simple, the faithful servant who smiles at us, invites us, collects us and takes us to contemplate that manger where the light never fades.
Taken by this light we find again the sense of a life that is called “eternity”. We thank Our Lady that she takes us to live in that light because, like every mother, she knows that children are afraid of the dark! Jesus himself repeats to us: “I am the light of the world; whoever follows me won’t walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.” (Gv 8,12)
A merry Christmas full of peace and hope to all of you!

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