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Lately when I hear the Creed prayed or sang, I can feel the words vibrate in the depths of my heart. Praying the “creed” pacifies and calms my heart, and makes me see the certainty that my life, and that of the community are in secure hands: I believe in God the Father, I believe in Jesus Christ, and I believe in the Holy Spirit... These are words that tell the truth of our lives, our faith: drawing our strength from Someone else, trusting to Him who we have experienced can give us a serenity born out of the certainty of always being wanted by the Creator Father, regenerated continuously and redeemed by the Savior Son, and embraced and accompanied every day by the Holy Spirit of Love.

In every situation of our life we need to let these words that are breath and interior nutrients for our lives: I believe in life’s joys, I believe in life’s sorrows, I believe in health, I believe in sickness, I believe in moments of light, I believe in moments of darkness... I believe… I believe… I believe!

“To believe” is an announcement that has to live deep in our beings and root itself in the depths of our hearts to be able to spread to the whole world, and we are the ones that have to bring it: our reborn lives have to announce, and give testimony that the Father exists, that the Risen is alive, and that the Holy Spirit continuously gives life and breath to everything.

Faith in God regenerates a new life and story inside of us, a beautiful life that opens up the hope that it is possible to change. We who are continuously looking at the past and who are not capable of freeing ourselves from everything that we suffered or humiliated us, are now experimenting that handing over our “yesterdays” to the mercy of God can give us the possibility of having a different “today”. In the words of a community song, “every day is a new day, a living day, with colors and a new possibility that opens up to a new, true freedom”.

We need to be serious in our prayer, cleaner in our imagination, our thoughts and not make the time we spend with God seem banal or useless so that miracle of the resurrection can enter inside of us. Many times we are there in front of Him, but who knows what we are thinking about, and many times we are so far away with a lot of dead weight from the past on our shoulders; other times we are scared, agitated, confused… By doing this we are doing ourselves a big disservice, because the true nutriment is not just being in front of Him, but in welcoming Him, living in Him and handing over to Jesus all the past moments of darkness and light saying, “I believe in God, in Jesus and in the Holy Spirit”.

Our very lives depend on the quality of our prayer and the quality of our faith. I tell our young sisters frequently that doing things just because we were told to is a waste, sadness and a dead chore. If we do things just because we have to, what kind of women are we? What kind of sisters are we? Faith is not just a weight to carry, it is not just a heavy task to complete, but it is a gift that throws wide open our horizons, that generates in us the willingness to freely, joyfully and faithfully serve, and that makes us run and fly for love of the faith.

To profess with joy the “creed” means to be women and men that are authentically free, dynamic, and immerged in a joy that serves everyone: it is to discover the true greatness of life!

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