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I am always more amazed by the face of the Church, our Mother, which reinvigorates us in faith and hope, which sustains us and gives confirmation to the “Eucharistic “rebirth” that we propose to the desperate youth who have knocked at the door of our Community for so many years. I feel that I am more in love with and grateful to the Church for what it is: a fortress of ideals, a light that illuminates the path and the choices of every man, a service to the poorest of the poor, broken bread for those who suffer, a refuge for all.
The Church is youthful because of the strength of the people who give it life, who shed their blood, day after day without fear, finding courage and faith in the Eucharistic communion, in meeting with the crucified and resurrected body which is Christ, that in a certain moment transforms even our bodies into the Eucharist: We become more pure, more generous, more Jesus.  We are nourished by Him and little by little we are renewed in Him: it is no longer us that live, but Christ who lives in us, making us good bread, broken for our brethren.  It is in this offering of your life that gives life to God’s people, all the good that you do: planting smiles, goodness, positive outlooks, words of encouragement, the strength to bare your brother’s burdens, your sacrifice is a gift without end. . .
The Apostles lived this life.  They followed Jesus after the Pentecost and from that Cenacle they began to announce the Good News to everyone: this is how the Church came to life.  And Peter has remained on earth through the person that is our Pope: and for those who still have not reached out to him they will not be able to understand this luminous mystery that he is Peter’s living presence.  So go there, look in his eyes and you will see Peter in person, you feel it, as you get close you feel the tenderness of God, a beauty in a presence that has remained with us, a presence that gives us refuge.  There you feel a dimension that is no longer only of this earth, no longer a historic moment; there is something more than just what you see, there is someone else residing in that person that you meet: it is Peter that continues to guide us with the Master.
That Child of God born in Bethlehem, which means “house of bread”, comes to meet with us still today at every altar in the world.  Like the shepherd and the wise men, may each one of us feel the hunger for that Child swaddled in the manger and contemplate the light of His presence.
In the walk of these 2000 years of history, men and women of every language, race and culture, have been fascinated by the living encounter with that Child, they have planted His light in every extremity and confines of the world: they have been the Church, bringing the Bread of Life to all, and today I am, you are, WE are the Church!

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