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We are preparing for the Community’s birthday that for years now, we have “baptized” with the name: “the Festival of Life.”  It is four days of rejoicing in the Lord,   celebrating life, not just life in general, but your own life, the lives of many young people and their families that have a name and a face. They have found the true meaning of their existence!  I would like to tell each one of you: “Take your life into your own hands and realize that it is a precious, important, and unique gift.  Rediscover the joy of living, the beauty of giving life!”  On this hill in Saluzzo, where God wanted the Community to be born, there were twenty six years of crosses, pain, losses, struggles, daily battles for life, rediscovered joy, hope, and resurrection.

Those who come to the gate of the Community do not find medicine or therapy.  They encounter Mercy.  Thanks to the love of their brothers they find God’s embrace.  No pill alone can give the joy of living.  No human cure by itself can give the hope of a new life or give man the ability to embrace their own lives and feel like it is a gift from God.

The Comunità Cenacolo is the festival of life which is born again.  The festival of the good creation that had fallen into sin, was lost, became angry, was filled with tears, vengeance, darkness… and thanks to God’s Mercy becomes a smile, joy and light.  The light that we have in our eyes comes from an encounter with the truth which sets us free.  This is the same light that even many of our families experience in their journey of faith.  Truly “nothing is impossible for God”: even in our families that were “old” because of the sadness, sin, division, arguments, and their children’s drug addiction… even their life can be reborn. 

For twenty six years now, we, the Comunità Cenacolo, celebrate God “the lover of life” who has done and continues to do miracles.  “Nothing is impossible for God!”

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