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Good day my life!

Good day my life!

We must wake up in the morning saying to ourselves : "Good morning, my life ." If we are not the first to love our lives why should the others do it? We need to contemplate our life every day in its novelty because life is dynamism , life is God who creates and re-creates every day new things inside and outside of us! We are never surprised enough , nor ever think of the fact that every day there is Someone who raises the light ... we do not realize it , and so we become trivial , giving for granted that we wake up, have good health,  think, love , have the strength to smile ... But God continues to trust us because He is interested in us , loves us and builds a future that is new every moment ! To grasp this we must have faith , confidence in Someone , who is our Father! And let’s remember that  trust is intrinsic to our human nature : we are capable of it and we need it tremendously . Faith is inside all men in the world , even those who do not know the Lord, but in any case they bring inside themselves the capital that God has given to all his children : the ability to stay together, to forgive, to love one another , to start over, to experience  joy , light , truth ! And even if we do not always believe in Him , His faithfulness continues until the last breath of our life and even after our last breath He calls us by name, because He wants to save us " at all costs " ! To believe in Him means that we trust Him and we do not live a single day without Him in our story . This is true faith :accepting all life situations , embracing them with courage and hope, because they do not depend on us and because we are certain He will do everything for us. This is our life , that must want to change , walk, start again every day , without being afraid to become good , because our "home" is living peace and goodness !

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