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Faith, nutrient for our lives

Faith isn’t just something that we can use and do what we want with; faith is someone inside of us who works and changes our life: the Holy Spirit is inside of us, as is the Lord, who is life and who gives life! We have to experience this certainty because we wouldn’t be here and nothing would exist without faith. We learn a little bit at a time, by speaking, listening, working, studying… in everything that we live each day, to make our faith real. In every situation in which we find ourselves we should repeat in our hearts: I believe in God! If we learn to lean on Him, if we entrust ourselves to Him, we will be better people, more joyful and alot more able to love each other. We need to know how to live the strength of faith, the light of faith and the joy of faith. Faith is the compass that guides us the whole day, faith transforms us, it changes us. Often I ask myself: how come we still have so many fears? where are we in our faith? If we believe, God’s Word tells us that his love and his light suffocate fear: “In love there is no fear.” Does Jesus exist to me? has He risen? is He alive? can you all see Him with your eyes? No! But with the eyes of your heart, with the life that’s inside we know that He’s alive, He exists, He’s risen, I see Him.
“I believe in one God”: we have to get this into our heads, everyone has to feel it inside because it’s a fact, it’s reality. We have contemplated, got to know and see all that’s professed in the creed: one God who descends, becomes man, becomes close, the risen crucifix, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the Father… they are three Persons who give their lives, true life. We must make these words of faith pass from our mouths to our hearts repeating: “I believe, I believe, I believe”. Like this, faith becomes the nutrient for our lives: we nourish ourselves with something precious that lives inside of us that satisfies our soul. And then slowly slowly once the "Creed” has made it to our hearts, when our heart breathes, we will feel the desire to testify to everyone that if “We believe in God” life is more beautiful, more true, more bright, more serene! Faith is the true wealth of life!


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