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Eucharist, God's great gift to humanity!

We would all love to receive mail, we all would like to receive a letter. Well, God knows our longing to be loved, to be remembered, our desire to enter the mystery of life, the life that sometimes gives us so many problems. God knows, then He has pledged to send a "letter" every day! Let's remember, the Word of God is the "letter" of His love and He sends it every day.
Woe to us if we got used to it,we would lose the flavor of life and everything else, including the beauty of human relationships: the others will never be able to fill our thirst for love! True love comes from God's heart and He makes us capable of sincere involvement ,of a passionate adherence to the problems of the others, of a deep compassion, of intense prayer, of  true sacrifice, of the renunciation of  pride and of what is comfortable. Reading the "letter" that God sends us every day as Father, Creator, driving light, we are led to a street of light, paved with so many messages that each of us, according to the situation that  is undergoing , finds the answer to what he needs.
There is a liturgical antiphon that says: "You are a redeemed people, proclaim the great works of the Lord who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light." It says: "... if you repent you will ... if you're good, "but it says" you are to, now "! We have been redeemed and are accompanied and supported by Jesus, through His own presence in the sacraments and the Word, so we have to proclaim the works of God .It is in that announcement that our faith will be transformed : from rule and concept, it will become a living person, saved humanity, concrete facts of human existence. We welcome the invitation of the Blessed John Paul II to contemplate Jesus, the Word made flesh, God in our human nature! Take the resolution not to pass up opportunities, to seize every moment to give something beautiful to the world.
We always ask Our Lady to intercede for us to the Holy Spirit, to proclaim the works of the Lord with our lips, with joy ,let's use  words for things that are true, to proclaim the truth of life. Let's also announce how to pray with a smile, with our work. Prayer is in itself an ad, you tell everyone that your life is looking for more and is looking for Him who is the source of all that is the meaning and the fullness of all existences. That is why the Eucharist enables us to live every day, because it is prayer that produces extraordinary effects of healing, liberation, salvation. The Person of Christ, the living Person of Jesus carries all of humanity, each of us together with His divinity. The Eucharist drags us to the need for constant prayer, attracts us to a prayer of eyes, hands, even the muddy ones because you're working in the garden, a prayer that is your own life, even in the moments of the cross because He himself ,breaking His life , accepted death, annulment, humiliation and there's the moment when His body, His blood is in me, goes into my veins.
He gives us all this because He knows that life unfolds through times of suffering, misunderstanding, confusion, fog, pain, sickness, deceptions, betrayals. He knows us and gave Himself for us, to give us the strength to carry the cross, but He also gave us joy, true joy, one that overcomes the world, the joy that is adherence to the Father's plan for the salvation of all. We have to fall in love with the Eucharist, God's great gift to humanity.

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