Once again, a group of “missionary” moms from Lombardia organized a super lottery in which thousands of tickets were sold. Many friends and others cooperated together in order to raise funds for various projects planned for our missionary homes. The most incredible part was to see that through their hard work and sacrifice, life and unity amongst the families has been generated. On April 22, the parents organized a “super” luncheon in which the winning lottery tickets were announced. The day began in the parish of Giussano with Father Stefano celebrating Holy Mass accompanied by the Comunità Cenacolo Choir. We thank the members of the parish for their hospitality and for allowing us to set up and display our missionary booth. We also extend our gratitude to the Alpines who welcomed us and who graciously gave space to welcome the many families who came from all over Northern Italy and as well to those who came to know the Community through this event. During the luncheon, between meal courses, the men and women of the Community helped maintain a joyful atmosphere through song and testimony. Father Stefano took a moment to thank all those who collaborated together to give “life” to this event. He also spoke of the rebirth, the goodness and the beauty of the gift of ourselves that we, in Community, have come to rediscover thanks to having met the God of Life. It was also a great joy for the parents of Lombardia to award the first place prizes (trips to Mary’s terrain: Lourdes and Medjugorje) to some of the participants from the Piedmont region. We thank all those who contributed to this event and have helped sustain our South American mission homes. With the monies collected we are finally able to dig for a well in Peru and purchase a long needed van for Brazil, a home which houses an innumerous amount of children.
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