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"I love being a woman, daughter, mother and wife!"

From Wednesday 30th April to Sunday 4th May on the hillside of Saluzzo there was a meeting that is annual for the “Servers for Love”, that is the girls that have passed more time in Comunity. The idea of the meeting was to help us to break away from our daily tasks and together to be able to listen to catechsims, to see the steps we wish to take, to advise, pray, ask sorry for our mistakes, to live moments of friendship and fraternal sharing; in all: to recharge the batteries for serving in our different places of mission!

The theme of this meeting was focused on the words of our Holy Father this year and was on the inportance of being a mission and in particular we focused on the mission of being women, daughters, wives and mothers. The days began with praying while walking the Holy Rosary followed by catechsims given by Father Stefano. Every day we were lucky to see Mother Elvira as she danced and sang with smiles and hugs together with us and to partecipate with us at the Holy Mass. After Lunch and free time we prayed the Divine Mercy prayer at 3 0 clock followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.Every day the programe changed according to the needs of the moment and our time with Mother Elvira, in Comunity we are well used to changes at the last moment as they are regular! One of the nicest moments was the Holy Mass celebrated by our Bishop Joseph Guerrini, during which 2 girls and a family of the Comunity recieved a blessing from Mother Elvira before going to our mission in Peru.

Saturday evening we participated at the monthly Adoration which is every first Saturday at our fraternity house in Envie and some of us gave our testimonies of our rebirth in Comunity. Concluding the retreat on Sunday we went to visit the house of formation to live a day together with our consecrated sisters, “Missionary Sisters of the Resurection” and Mother Elvira. After the Holy Mass and a tasty pizza prepared by our consecrated brothers we listened to some of the sisters’ testimonies followed by various dances. We thank Divine Providence for this meeting, we thank our Priests for their love and attention in listening , talking and encouraging us and a special thank-you to you Mother Elvira because your life is the most beautiful testimony. Thank-you because you are a wonderful woman, a happy daughter  a wife that is in love with her husband and a universal mother. Thank-you!




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