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The girls meeting at Envie

It was a beautiful Easter gift that the Community gave us girls of the Community: to meet together on Easter Monday for the Fest of the Angel, who gave the news of the Resurrection to some women who had gone to the Sepulcher believing to anoint one who was dead, and discovered the Resurrected.
The day began with a beautiful and profound catechism on what it means to be a woman, in which Mother Elvira reminded us with very practical and concrete examples, about how important it is that a woman finds herself in all the reality of her living: “Woman you have been regenerated by Jesus Christ alive in the midst of us, woman become courageous, free of the fear to run to meet your Lord and Savior”.
It was an explosion of great joy to have been able to live together the Mass in which some sisters received the habit and the cross, sign of a further pass of their “Here I am” to the Lord!
The friendship, joy and brotherly love animated a day in which we felt ourselves truly sisters, happy to be a part of this wonderful family of the resurrected that is the Community Cenacolo.
Even we, at the end of this day, can say like Mary Magdalene: “I have seen the Risen!”.

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