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The First World Congress on Mercy

This was five days in a “river” of the Divine Mercy: we received, sang, praised, celebrated, meditated, and testified.  There were 7000 faithful gathered from all over the world and from 200 delegates from many countries.  It was the first International Congress which was presided over by the Archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn.  Mother Elvira was also present, formally invited to give testimony of her experience, along with a nice group of young people from our Community: about 200 between the consecrated brothers and sisters, families, guys and girls, with the usual unpredictable and uncontainable joy.  Everything began Wednesday morning, April 2, with a walk towards Saint Peters’, while waving the large colored hands on which are written: life, love, and joy.  We felt the joy and strength of faith within us, which we were not able to keep inside while we walked together.  The smiles and songs we sang were strong testimonies of God’s mercy in our risen lives, while the many greetings we received in answer to our “colorful hands” convinced us of the importance of not having fear to bring the light of the God to those we encountered.

Cardinale Christoph Schönborn
Relazione di apertura al primo congresso mondiale sulla Divina Misericordia

Omelia nella Basilica di San Pietro, Domenica, 6 aprile 2008

Mother Elvira
Testimonianza nella Basilica S.Giovanni in Laterano, 4 aprile 2008 - ING

Album Fotografico in preparazione...

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