Finally we have seen the Pope!!!
What a joy for us missionaries and for “our” Brazilian and Mexican children to see and listen to the Pope. We always spoke about him, showed them pictures, and explained his great responsibilities, but seeing him in person was an immense gift. We were ready with our great big colored Styrofoam hands to sing a song thanking him for all the love that he shows each day through gestures and words to all humanity. The older kids were jumping over the chairs of the big hall to smile and greet him, while the younger ones stayed closer to the missionaries trying to catch his gaze. Towards the end He recognized our Community and all of the children were happy to be able to say: “Dear Father, I am also here!!!” Then we spent a beautiful afternoon with Monsignor Giovanni d’Ercole, who with much attention and love guided us to the tombs where the former Popes were buried. We prayed in a special way before the tomb of Pope John Paul II, where we entrusted him with our missions, the missionaries, the nuns, and the children. We visited Saint Peters’ Cathedral, where all of the children were happy to walk under the feet of the “first Pope”: what an honor!!! We concluded the day with the Holy Mass celebrated just for us in one of the chapels under the Cathedral… It was a day in which we could only repeat over and over again, together with the children: “Thank you Lord for the gift of being able to live in Community, thank you for the many friends that surround us with infinite gestures of love!”
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