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Pages of history - There was a time...

Remembering that which the goodness of the Lord has worked in these 30 years strengthens our faith today in the certainty that, “He who trusts in God will not be disappointed!”
We have published here material from 1986, written for the occasion of the three-year anniversary of the Community… From THREE to THIRTY, the adventure continues…


“There was a time…”
This year our Community is three years old.
Therefore, the time has come, like it does for a child of this age, to enlarge the horizons of the boundaries of life, weaving together new relationships of awareness and communion with society; this is why we want to enter, even if only with the tips of our toes, into your life, dear families, and into your circle - faithful friends, collaborators, and benefactors - by means of this monthly magazine, that it may inform, open a dialogue, and create communion. It will be the instrument that, by gathering everyone together, will communicate our peace, our heart, our thanks, our faith, and our joy.
Yes, because, by speaking of the realities that bring you to the point of death, here we can truly say, “There was a time.”
There was truly a time when there was an abandoned house here, having become the destination and refuge of drug-addicts wanting to hide, of various couples’ love adventures, and, often, of the elderly who had tired and disappointed hearts regarding the destruction of structures and retained, steadfast ideals, now made a touchable sign, in the run-down and unsafe walls of the old building. Today, however, in this same house, property of the Commune of Saluzzo, life and hope of a future for new experiences are born.
Also, the aspects of the walls have now changed; the work, reconstruction, and beatification, continuously go forward.
The old, half-destroyed and uninhabitable house of one time represents itself, however, to our eyes, well-photographed in the present and working negative realities of the young man who asks to enter Community. At this point, desperate and stalked by the deceitfully deadly evil of drugs, he decides to trust us to be his help to get out of this unbearable situation.

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