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Saint Gemma Galgani

Prayer to Saint Gemma Galgani

O Saint Gemma, how great
was your love for the needy and sinners,
how great was your dedication in helping them!
I pray to you now, come in my aid;
I too am needy and a sinner,
help me too!
The miracles and marvelous graces
attributed to your intercession
are numberless:
I trust that you can help me.
Pray to Jesus, your celestial spouse for me:
show him the stigmata that his Love
engraved on you during your life,
ask Him that His blood might heal,
renew, and free me from all evil.
Remind Him of the tears He shed
and the sufferance He offered
for the salvation of souls,
ask him that my soul too
might be saved.
You, young wife, in love with Christ,
give me a life in love with God,
in love with all that is beautiful,
all that is true and all that is clean.

Saint Gemma Galani,
pray for us!

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