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Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows

Prayer to Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows

O saint of youth searching for God
in the sincerity of their hearts,
teach us to put God first in our lives.

You left a serene, happy, tranquil life
attracted by a vocation to the consecrated life,
guide our youth to hear the voice of God
and to consecrate themselves to Him
through radical choices of love.

At the school of Saint Paul of the Cross,
you nourished yourself at the source of crucified Love.
Teach us to love Jesus who died and rose for us,
as you loved Him with your whole heart.

You chose the Virgin of Sorrows,
as a safe guide towards Calvary,
teach us to accept faithfully the trials of our lives.

O Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows,
carry the souls who are lost,
discouraged and without God
back to Christ and
with your young and glorious holiness,
obtain the graces that we need.

Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows,
pray for us!

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