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5th Sunday

From the Message of the Holy Father for Lent 2011


On the fifth Sunday, when the resurrection of Lazarus is proclaimed, we are faced with the ultimate mystery of our existence: “I am the resurrection and the life… Do you believe this?” (Jn 11: 25-26). For the Christian community, it is the moment to place with sincerity – together with Martha – all of our hopes in Jesus of Nazareth: “Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, the one who was to come into this world” (Jn 11: 27).     More...


From our Community...


 In the gospel Jesus stops at Martha, Mary and Lazarus’s as He always did so the three of them could experience the presence of Someone who pushes you to wake up from death, because ours is the God of the living not of the dead. “I am the resurrection and the life” Jesus tells Martha: what great words! There is the truth of Jesus’ life and the truth of what He came to bring us: resurrection and life.                                                              More...

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