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Prayer to Saint Paul of Tarsus

Paul of Tarsus, you who persecuted Christians
and then were chosen out of God's Mercy
to become an Apostle to the people,
and a great missionary to distant lands,
make our lives be able to pass
from the darkness of error to the Light of the Truth.
Make us too, instruments in the hands of God,
able to bring to everyone
 the good news of the Gospel
with our words and our lives.

Paul, apostle without fear,
give us a courageous, true faith.
Intercede for us so that our eyes may be opened
to see the true treasure of our lives.
Pray so that the interior walls
 of compromises and mediocrity
we have may be knocked down
so that we can be authentic missionaries of Jesus.
Help us to understand that the only thing
that really counts in life
is how much love we put in all we live.
Teach us that Love which believes all,
hopes all, and supports all
is the true Love that will have no end!

Saint Paul,
pray for us!


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