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Prayer to the Saints Cyril and Methodius

O Saints Cyril and Methodius,
untireable missionaries that brought
the light of faith to the Slavic people who were so hungry for truth;
make many vocations to the missionary life arise in the church
 so that the annunciation of the Crucified and Risen Christ
may reach all of mankind.

O Saints Cyril and Methodius,
in your difficult and trying missionary apostolate
you remained always tied
to both Church of the west and east,
make the two sister Churches,
the catholic Church and the orthodox,
overcome the elements of division in charity and truth
so that they may soon regain full unity.

O Saints Cyril and Methodius,
pushed by the love of Christ you abandoned everything
to serve the Gospel, protect the Church of God:
the Pope, the Bishops, the priests, the religious,
the missionaries, the lay and the suffering.

Make everyone of us
a worthy “laborer” of the table of the Lord.

Saints Cyril and Methodius,
pray for us!


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