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Prayer to Blessed lvan Merz

Blessed Ivan Merz,
You placed the mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus,
at the center of your studies,
your teachings and of your apostolate,
help us to embrace in our own lives
the glorious cross of Christ
so that we may become new men and women.

Following your example, make us testimonies
of the beauty of Christian life,
knowing how to transform the celebration
of the liturgy of the mass
into concrete actions,
demonstrating that our faith is the secret
to live our lives well.

You knew how to be an honest friend,
and how to create in the hearts of your young friends
the desire to walk with God.
Make us also capable of guiding our brothers
to grow in the love of Christ.
Do not allow us to waste time futilely,
but help us to use our lives for good.

Blessed Ivan Merz,
pray for us!


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