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Irena and Matteo

Matteo's testimony
Hi, everybody.   I would never have imagined that I would be here today to speak to you, youth, because for many years I was sitting among you. I came to Medjugorje 20 years ago.  I thank the Madonna for calling me here to Medjugorje where I met the Comunita Cenacolo.  I have never used drugs and didn’t drink or smoke, but I didn’t feel loved by God.  I felt lonesome and abandoned. I spent many years visiting Italian sanctuaries looking for some help, but I couldn’t find peace,because I didn’t allow God to touch me. I didn’t want to feel His love. I was almost afraid of Him, afraid of love.
In the Community I met a nun who made me know a God who always loves me.  When I fall He helps me rise.  He accepts me.  But before it wasn’t like this for me. In the past  once I escaped from a prayer group because they showed me an image of God which was different from the one I have known here in the Community, and I have lived these years with this thorn in my heart. I sometimes felt like a traitor.  It was even difficult for me to listen to the Word of God. Last night after Mass, while the procession was starting, I stopped by Father Slavko’s tomb.  I knelt before his tomb and I prayed, “You can see everything from Heavens so please help me to get rid of this thorn because I want to live in the light. Help me, please.”  It was dark, but I saw a priest who attended that very same prayer group.  I hadn’t seen him for 10 years.  I spoke to him, and he talked to me.  I felt a confirmation of God’s forgiveness. I realized that God loves me and has wanted me in the Community even if I’m shy, fragile, and weak. He loves me, and He wants to turn me into an instrument of light for others, and He wants me to experience His light myself. 
 Last night I thanked God for the words of that priest. I realized once again that God is love, and that He has forgiven me. I really thank God because now I live in the Community with my family, and everyday I see my role as a husband and as a father, as if it was the first time. This heals me from the wounds received from my family and makes me feel sure that I will give our children  true love. God really loves us, believe me.  Here in Medjugorje we can feel this, so life changes.

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